Rocky Mountain TheraPros

Women’s Health

Ever feel like your healthcare team is missing that special element for well rounded, complete feminine wellness? Dr. Tanice Kitchener, PT dedicates part of her practice to Women’s Health. Women’s health providers possess special knowledge and skill to maximize a woman’s health throughout her lifespan. Specifically assessing and addressing pelvic pain, prenatal, antenatal, and postnatal health, urinary and bowel incontinence, recovery from breast cancer, and more. In our current healthcare environment, there is a gap between acute medical care and returning women to their prior level of function, specifically athletics. She is happy to be a knowledgable resource to bridge that gap!

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Pelvic Pain

Studies show that anywhere between 1 in 20 and 1 in 4 women suffer from pelvic pain (1). Pelvic, tailbone, hip, abdominal and low back pain can be correlated to the pelvic floor muscles and myofascia. With the right provider, it can be easily treated by addressing the muscles of the pelvic floor. You don’t have to suffer alone, I am here to help.

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PT in Pregancy and Postpartum

1 in 2 women will suffer from genito-pelvic pain during their pregnancy. Of those, 41% will have lasting pain following their delivery (2).

A PT specializing in Women’s Health can aide in alleviating common discomforts like back pain while maximizing your body’s ability to have a smoother pregnancy, birth, and postpartum phase. PT is not just for recovery; you don’t have to wait until the postpartum phase to treat impairments.

Postpartum conditions including pain, incontinence, and changes in posture can impair your ability to return to your prior activities. These are all treatable! You don’t have to suffer alone, I am here to help.

Dr. Kitchener is now a Certified Prenatal and Postpartum Coach through Girls Gone Strong. This combined with her knowledge of Spinning Babies techniques enhances her wellness offerings to keep you feeling your best through your 4 Trimester journey.


Providers Network

Dr. Tanice has established relationships with many skilled practitioners in the RF valley. Follow this link to meet providers who specialize in supporting women through the lifespan including providers offering parenting support and more. Somethings in life are just easier with skilled, compassionate support. We are here to help!

Providers network coming soon….

  1. Ahangari, Alebtekin. (2014). Prevalence of Chronic Pelvic Pain Among Women: An Updated Review. Pain physician. 17. E141-7.

  2. Glowacka M, Rosen N, Chorney J, Snelgrove−Clarke E, and George RB. Prevalence and predictors of genito-pelvic pain in pregnancy and postpartum: The prospective impact of fear avoidance. J Sex Med 2014;11:3021–3034.